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Upload An Quickly Image Without Exif Data:

by HeadJanitor

• Never upload images to a website for the website to remove EXIF data for you.

• Always remove the image EXIF data locally on your own machine first.

• Once you upload images onto a website like imgbb.com it immediately distributes it geographically around the world in what is known as a content delivery network, or Content Distribution Network (CDN). The picture is now world-wide.

I am in Tails and nothing is familiar to me.

DeathValley.jpg has a lot of EXIF information including the name of the author.

Two Steps

How do I view the EXIF?
$ exiftool DeathValley.jpg

How do I QUICKLY remove all the EXIF data?
$ exiftool -all= DeathValley.jpg

exiftool kept the original, renaming it "DeathValley.jpg_original"
